Friday, May 26, 2006

Tag I am it (6 wierd/strange facts about myself)

6 weird thingsEach player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about themselves" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird things/habits/facts, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end tag as many people as you wish. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You are Tagged" in their comments and tell them to read yours.

1) I am superstitious in the sense that I always put my left shoe on first. (In high school when I played roller hockey I always put my left leg pad on first.)

2) I have never dated anyone that was not Indian

3) I am the only Indian person I know of that likes watching and playing hockey (ice/roller)

4) I am very cautious and sometimes it hinders my decision making process

5) I actually tried to give up meat (we all know it didn't work out)

6) I am a shy person (especially around women)

I tag Destiny Law and Sachel

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I have been tagged

Apparently whoever started this particular post enjoys things in fives, oh well not a big deal. Here we go:

5 people on my shit list:
1) George Bush
2) My statistics professor
3) My ex-boss

Close Brushes with Death/Danger
1) When I was little my grandfather and I were at a local school near the house and I decided it would be a good idea to run towards a steep decline of stairs. Well I made it down past the first few steps only to loose balance and fall face first and tumble down the stairs.

2) In high school I was coming home late from hockey practice and stopped a intersection near my house. The car next to me had to men who proceeded to ask me something. I couldn't quite hear so I rolled down my window only to have them to yell at me using profanity. As this was going on the passenger in the car got out and came around my car. He proceeded to open my door (which was unlocked) and start punching me. I managed to block most of them by covering my face and head. Luckily the light turned green and I was able to accelerate out of my predicament and not have them follow me.

5 preferable methods of suicide:
The thought of suicide hasn't crossed my mind so to think of 5 ways to end my own life would be difficult. I am going to have to pass on this one.

Guilty Pleasures:
1) Speeding
2) Drinking
3) Texas Hold'em Poker
4) Chili Cheese Fries

Things I never want to Forget:
1)The love my parents give unconditionally
2) My roller hockey championship
3) Passing my series 7
4) Journeys to other parts of the world
5) Friendships

Things I wish to forget:
I am not sure if I choose to forget anything because they say we learn from our mistakes or past. If we make the mistake or go through a tough time only to forget about it then we won't learn. We as a society can't appreciate the things that happen now.

5 really exotic dishes you have tried
1) The only exotic dishes that come to mind would involve fish.
Chilean Sea Bass in Tamrin sauce
Salmon in Tandoori Sauce

5 crushes/loves in your life in chronological order
1) Grade School, a classmate/friend
2) Sophomore year of college--a friend
3) Junior year of college--a friend
4) Senior year of college ( a crush, classmate)
5) Sorry don't have a 5th

Strangest dream
Being a spy for the US Govt

5 most valued personal possessions:
1) Life’s Experiences
2) The internet/laptop
3) Cell Phone
4) My car
5) My health

5 favorite superheroes… and why:
1) My parents (for their wisdom and unconditional love)
2) My sisters (for their insight and support)
3) My Friends (for their ability to light up the day with their presence)

Monday, May 15, 2006

United 93

Despite the emotional reservations that had kept me from watching this movie I finally decided to give it a chance.

I won't bring up old memories of my experience that day but rather just stick to the movie. I thought it was well put together and it wasn't one of those documentaries that don't do justice to the actual event. From what the director could conjure up as far as facts from that day he put together a story that mirrors that events and it flowed well.

After the movie I felt a deep sadness as most would figure however more it was geared more towards this country. A supposed super power this country is yet it was caught off guard so badly. The movie exposed a lot of weaknesses in our communications as well as effectiveness to plan during that particular time. I am not sure if it has improved but I would like to think it has.

However for those who read my blogs you know I do not like ending things on a sour note so if you have a chance to see it I recommend it, I think it was well written and put together by all who participated in the making of this film.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Playoff Hockey

Ahh yess its that time of year again, that smell is in the air. That smell I am referring to is playoff hockey.

I have been watching this years Stanley Cup playoffs back and forth, here and there but today I got a chance to watch one of the games live. It was Round 2 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Game 1 of the best of 7 Western Confrence semi finals between Anaheim Ducks and Colorado Avalanche.

To start the festivies off my brother in law and I went to a sports bar near the hockey rink and watched a specatluar Game 1 of the Eastern Semis on tv. This game featured two of the more explosive offensive teams in this years playoffs and they proved it. The game went back and forth with 3 goals chaning hands between the two teams in the final 1:37 inlcuding the tying goal with 10.7 seconds left in the regulation to force overtime. Then it took only 18 seconds for the underdog team to score and steal game 1 in a shocker.

Back to the game here in Anaheim. It was alot of fun to see the crowd excited for the playoffs cheering for thier team. The atmosphere was loud and electirc. The Pond employees handed out towles for fans to wave and it literally was a sea of white. Truthfully though I am a LA Kings fan but I can still appreciate fans who love thier team. The game itslef was nowhere near the excitement level of the first game however if you were a Ducks fan it was the greatest show. They routed thier opponents 5-0, putting on a clininc at times making thier opponents look like amatuers. The game though featured alot of hard hitting inlcuding one clean open ice hit (meaning in center ice with no one else around excpet the two players involved and no intenet to injure) which lead to Anaheims first goal. Overall the experince was fun up until the end when the game was over. The fans at this point disgusted me by throwing trash on the ice towards the Colorodo bench. That is a slap in the face to hockey and still shows how some adults are still children. It was extremley dissapointing to see Ducks fans tarnish a game I love so much.

I dont want to end this blog on a sour note so I will state that hockey is back in full swing despite the lockout last season and as a fan I can't be more jouyful. I hope that the excitement continues with more back and forth action.